We seek to Gather, Grow, and Give together.


We believe that Gathering together for Worship, Christian Education and Life Groups is crucial for any community of believers. 

We believe that Growing spiritually is God's desire for everyone, and this is not meant to be done alone. 

We believe that Giving back to the Church, the Community and the World will happen naturally as we Gather together and Grow together.  


We are a Restoration Movement congregation affiliated with the Churches of Christ/Christian Churches.  We are non-denominational, and follow a few simple principles.

The Bible only.   We have no other books, documents, or teachings of men or women that guide or direct us. 

Where the Bible speaks, we speak; where the Bible is silent, we are silent.  Again, we do our best to call Bible things by Bible names, and live our lives as best as we can "by the Book."

We are Christians only, but not the only Christians.  We call ourselves simply "Christian," because we strive to simply live like Christ.  We also recognize Brothers and Sisters from other Christian denominations and communities, and welcome and seek fellowship with them. 

In essentials Unity, in non-essentials Freedom and in all things Love.   We believe the essentials of faith to be in the One Sovereign God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  This God is the one who sent his one and only son, Jesus Christ, into the world to show us how to love God and love others.  It is this Jesus that died on a cross for our sins, and was raised bodily three days later to give us power over death.  Jesus has promised us His Holy Spirit to all who will believe, confess, repent, and are baptized.

We believe that in all other matters of faith or Christian practice, there is Freedom to do things differently, and in ALL matters of faith with other Christian Brothers and Sisters, we are to be guided by Christ's Love.